Author Archives: Hannah R.

About Hannah R.

I blog about books, films, TV and everything else I can see or hear at Longish Thoughts. No niche here.

Tis true my form is something odd

As everyone else in the country watched BGT – the talent/freakshow of the 21st Century, I watched Meet The Elephant Man on Channel 4, a documentary about a man who knew all too well about the horror of the original Victorian freak shows.

John Merrick, or The Elephant Man as he was named for stage, is widely thought to have been afflicted by Proteus Syndrome which causes the skin and bone to grow at excessive rates. In the 1800s there was nothing anyone could do about this and Merrick was doomed to a life of exhibition and ridicule. Continue reading


Filed under Culture, Television

Cadbury’s hate black people…apparently.

I’m not going to start this blog with some witty intro.  I’m just going to come right out and say it:

Dear Naomi Campbell,

I am pretty sure Cadbury’s didn’t have race-hate in mind when they used your name in an advert for a chocolate bar.  They used your name because you are world-famous for being an arrogant, overrated, violent “DIVA”.

Yours with much eye-rolling,

Hannah Renowden Continue reading


Filed under General Stupidity, Media, Society

The Last Decent Guy in Football? Not anymore!

So, it’s out.  Ryan Giggs was the footballer at the centre of the whole Imogen Thomas hoo-ha superinjunction blah-blah.

I think I speak for many people when I say he really was the last person I ever thought would be involved.  I remember asking a colleague why he won the BBC Sports Personality Award in 2009; he had never been a sportsman that was on my radar.  I had heard of him of course, knew he played for Manchester United and had done for a long time, but other than that I was nonplussed as to why he had won the prize.  My colleague put his win down to just being a consistently good guy and role model. Continue reading

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Filed under Media, Society